
class gql.transport.transport.Transport

Bases: object


Close the transport

This method doesn’t have to be implemented unless the transport would benefit from it. This is currently used by the RequestsHTTPTransport transport to close the session’s connection pool.


Establish a session with the transport.

abstract execute(document: graphql.language.ast.DocumentNode, *args, **kwargs)graphql.execution.execute.ExecutionResult

Execute GraphQL query.

Execute the provided document AST for either a remote or local GraphQL Schema.


document – GraphQL query as AST Node or Document object.



class gql.transport.async_transport.AsyncTransport

Bases: object

abstract async close()

Coroutine used to Close an established connection

abstract async connect()

Coroutine used to create a connection to the specified address

abstract async execute(document: graphql.language.ast.DocumentNode, variable_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, operation_name: Optional[str] = None)graphql.execution.execute.ExecutionResult

Execute the provided document AST for either a remote or local GraphQL Schema.

abstract subscribe(document: graphql.language.ast.DocumentNode, variable_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, operation_name: Optional[str] = None)AsyncGenerator[graphql.execution.execute.ExecutionResult, None]

Send a query and receive the results using an async generator

The query can be a graphql query, mutation or subscription

The results are sent as an ExecutionResult object

class gql.transport.local_schema.LocalSchemaTransport(schema: graphql.type.schema.GraphQLSchema)

Bases: gql.transport.async_transport.AsyncTransport

A transport for executing GraphQL queries against a local schema.

__init__(schema: graphql.type.schema.GraphQLSchema)

Initialize the transport with the given local schema.


schema – Local schema as GraphQLSchema object

async close()

No close needed on local transport

async connect()

No connection needed on local transport

async execute(document: graphql.language.ast.DocumentNode, *args, **kwargs)graphql.execution.execute.ExecutionResult

Execute the provided document AST for on a local GraphQL Schema.

subscribe(document: graphql.language.ast.DocumentNode, *args, **kwargs)AsyncGenerator[graphql.execution.execute.ExecutionResult, None]

Send a subscription and receive the results using an async generator

The results are sent as an ExecutionResult object